September September

September September

I wouldn’t say I like it when I don’t write anything here for a while but honestly, I haven’t felt motivated to sit at my computer and write anything and yes I could use my phone but I prefer to use my computer. Not to say I have things to share....
Dahlia Delights

Dahlia Delights

So I’ve become obsessed with the flower Dahlia, and I’m not sure why, but they are beautiful. I can’t say I’m anything but a noob at these things though and I really only been planting them and buying them over the past two years and I think...
Moody Cow

Moody Cow

I’ve been in an arse of a mood today and I know it’s because I’ve not been taking my Magnesium glycinate which is supposed to help with depression and anxiety and stuff. Yes, there’s no scientific research on it but it has helped me have a more...
Summer Cleaning

Summer Cleaning

I’m currently trying to sort out all the unboxed funk pops I have and see which ones can go on eBay to try and sell. I’ve really gone off collecting funk pops not that it’s a bad thing I don’t get a thrill about it anymore and I quite enjoy...
Time really does fly when you are having fun

Time really does fly when you are having fun

Edit this setlist | More Hollywood Vampires setlists Last week I travelled across the UK to see some Hollywood vampire gigs in Manchester, London, and Glasgow and had the most fun than I have had in a while. The gigs themselves were in-your-face noise from start to...
So Long Twitter

So Long Twitter

So I finally deactivated my Twitter account not that it’s a big deal or anything but honestly, It had to be done it was becoming too toxic in my life and frankly I’m feeling better without it. I used to have the Twitter FOMO but can we all be honest that...
Life goes on and on (with a walk around Cullen Bay)

Life goes on and on (with a walk around Cullen Bay)

I know I haven’t written anything here for months and won’t apologise like always. I honestly Just haven’t felt the want to write. I want to say I have been busy but I think I’ve just been wanting to enjoy my life. As you can see also went to...
Febuary is DONE!

Febuary is DONE!

So, we are now into March and I’m so happy. February was really hard for me I went to York for a couple of nights but felt so weak afterward it was doing my head in. As you know my sleeping pattern was atrocious but even when I was sleeping I woke up feeling...
To Tweet or not to Tweet…….

To Tweet or not to Tweet…….

…..that is the question. I’m really getting fed up with Twitter at the moment not necessarily what’s been tweeted but more with what Elon is doing with it. I hate the fact that I’m supposed to pay to be on top of the algorithm not that my...
New Year and Looking Forward

New Year and Looking Forward

Yes I know it’s the 6th of January but I hope you have had a good start to the New Year. I’ve actually started spring cleaning or let us be honest moving things around so it feels like things are less cluttered. I was getting annoyed about how my artwork...